Bed Bugs in Northeast Ohio: A Growing Concern
Bed bugs have largely been thought of as being a problem of the past. Unfortunately, we are now experiencing a widespread recurrence of bed bugs in the United States and abroad. As a professional bed bug exterminator in Youngstown, Ohio, Grace Services has seen the evidence first hand. The most significant factor that explains their return is the increase in international travel.
Bed bugs can easily get into clothing or luggage and be carried home by the unaware traveler. Bed bugs do not discriminate. Even the finest hotels are not immune. These parasites have been found infesting homes of both the rich and the poor in all 50 states. A bed bug does not actually live under your skin, but will simply drink a few drops of blood while you are sleeping.
These tenacious pests are about 3/8″ long and are visible to the naked eye. The different species have different feeding preferences. Some prefer human blood while others prefer bats and birds. You cannot feel its bite, even though it is actually piercing the skin.
Although some saliva will get into the bite, these creatures are not known to pass on any diseases to humans. Only about half of the people bitten by these creepy crawlers will experience an allergic reaction in the form of a red, swollen, itchy, welt like bump. Antihistamines and corticosteroids may be given to help relieve the itching.
This means that approximately 50% of the bug bite victims do not show any evidence of the bites. This can make it more difficult for some property owners to discover that they have a problem before the infestation becomes severe.

Identify Bed Bugs in Northeast Ohio
Bed Bugs primarily reside in their target’s nests or nesting areas. Hence this is how the Cimex Lectularius, as it’s classified in the animal kingdom, snagged the nickname “bed bug.” They are attracted to the warmth of their victims resting bodies as they lay in bed. This is why these nasty little parasites are commonly found in bedding, underneath mattresses, behind headboards, and along the seams of mattresses and cushions. While many hide in mattresses, some may also hide in a sofa or chair, or behind wall paper or pictures.
Since their reappearance over the last decade, researchers have found that the new bed bugs are much more resistant to chemicals that had previously been in use. Insecticides that are often used for roaches and similar insects are ineffective on bed bugs. Bed bugs, in particular, require the services of a professional exterminator or pest control management. Without treatment, the population of the bed bugs occupying the home will only increase. If you think they will die on their own if the home is evacuated you’d be mistaken. Amazingly, they are able to go without food for as long as a year. After getting their fill of blood, the females will lay eggs in batches of up to 200 at a time. Furthermore, the cold temperatures of Ohio do not deter them, only heat at 122 degrees Fahrenheit and above will kill them. You know if they can survive a winter then they can survive just about anything except a visit from Youngstown, Ohio’s bedbug exterminator, Grace Services.
Bed Bug Treatment Youngstown Ohio
How do you get rid of bed bugs? Thoroughness is the only real way to get rid of these unwanted guests. Every corner and crevice needs to be searched. As you might guess, this means that simply getting rid of an infected mattress will not completely solve the problem. Bedbug removal includes a thorough inspection of the property and possible hiding places, evaluation of the infestation, and then finally choosing the most appropriate treatment. Bed bug extermination is a job best left to a pest control professional. The treatment process is labor intensive, taking several hours, and depending upon the severity of infestation and home’s size, could take multiple visits. Virtually every nook and cranny of the property will need to be searched and properly treated to eradicate the problem.
Again, the best way to treat a bed bug problem in Youngstown, Ohio or anywhere else is by hiring a bed bug exterminator who can get the job done right. If you believe you have a bed bug infestation or other pest problem then there’s no reason to delay, call Grace Services today! For affordable, effective bedbug treatment there’s no better choice. As one of Youngstown, Ohio’s most experienced and established pest control contractors we won’t let the bed bugs bite.